Thursday, 8 September 2011

Can I Ever Get Her Back..

Hey Guys..
So something bad happened my friends would always joke about my not eating...but theyre really starting to annoy me now

They keep going on about it and telling me 'if you want to loose weight why dont you.....'
like seriously! i hate when people bring all that healthy bs to me like i havnt tried it already!!

then they say 'starving doesnt work'

it does it 100% works i know for a fact...

I know i sound like a bitch and theyre 'only trying to help' but i cant handle this..

I havnt lost in a month..i havnt gained in a month
My skins f@#&*#, my belly constantly sleepy im adj'd and literally just want to stay in bed forever....

I need mia back to tell me im doing the right thing

Love all you skinnies xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. At the end of the day, we do what we have to do. If your friends aren't dropping it, maybe you should try telling them you're just going to eat healthily. That way when you're with them you only have to eat good foods, and when you're not with them you can starve on :). Hope things look up for you soon <3
