Thursday, 15 September 2011

Anotherrrr Diet?!

Hello My Lovelies :)

So been extremely busy because of uni starting !
Ahhhhh im excited
But scared lol

Anywayss il be fine finally im not gonna be at home eating like a *Fatty*

So i got some news ;)
And questions .....

Have any of you heard of the 'jenny craig' diet??
Basically its like diet chef they send all the things you need to eat pre packed pre cooked and ready to eat..
Its like super expensive literally i dont even want to say...
But you get a consultation, weight plan, your own 'councellor' and pretty much pointless things
Anyway jus wondering if any of you have tried it or know anyone that has becausr i hadnt eaten for like a week maybe and lost a WHOLE nothing........seriously i was upset :'(

so now that ive moved out my mum was like "hey you dont know how to cook why dont you try this" so i did
Plus the food packs are quite big like seriously its much more than what i eat now

So anyway lets see how i do and im sure a post will come up like "omg i love/hate this"


Wish me luck
And i hope all you girlies are staying strong and beautiful

*_-_-*Comment Replies*-_-_*

i took your advice its so easy to just say yeah i ate blah blah blah just gotta tell them what they wanna hear lol thanks hunnie x

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Can I Ever Get Her Back..

Hey Guys..
So something bad happened my friends would always joke about my not eating...but theyre really starting to annoy me now

They keep going on about it and telling me 'if you want to loose weight why dont you.....'
like seriously! i hate when people bring all that healthy bs to me like i havnt tried it already!!

then they say 'starving doesnt work'

it does it 100% works i know for a fact...

I know i sound like a bitch and theyre 'only trying to help' but i cant handle this..

I havnt lost in a month..i havnt gained in a month
My skins f@#&*#, my belly constantly sleepy im adj'd and literally just want to stay in bed forever....

I need mia back to tell me im doing the right thing

Love all you skinnies xxxxx